Week 19: May 12, 2024

Winged Genie Fertilizing a Date Tree, from Nimrud, capital of Assyria, 848-860 B.C.E., Limestone Relief


This relief is covered in cuneiform inscription. It tells of the ‘conquests and accomplishments’ of the character who is carved as a life sized person. Technically he is a winged genie, but nonetheless, he is the size of a man. But I was drawn to the little handbag he carries, with the fancy handle, the incredible detail of the fingernails, and the tassels on the tunic, all with text crossing over it - much like a cuneiform tattoo. Such incredible detail and finesse on each small section of this huge work.

This is one of the few times I have chosen to photograph just a small section of a larger piece. I love it and hate it at the same time. Some part of me really wants to show all of it along side the detailed section - but I also appreciate being able to ignore the bigger picture and just focus up close on something so fascinating and beautiful.


Week 20: May 19, 2024


Week 18: May 5, 2024